Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Instagram Updates – Instagram Changes

Instagram Updates – Instagram Changes

Instagram Updates and Instagram changes has caused those who love Instagram Marketing to go in a ‘tizzy.’

Anytime there is change, people are triggered by fear of what they will lose, forgetting that there can be positive outcomes from change as well.

Will the Instagramchanges have a negative or positive outcome?

Let’s take a look at the positive changes from the Instagram updates:

Instagram Changes – The Positives:

Instagram knows you follow too many people and don’t care about most of the things they share.

People miss on average 70% of their feeds.

If you follow 300 people (and there’s so many that follow 1,000’s), and you check the app twice a day (do you really check twice a day, or is once about it?), what really do you see?
The new “Notification” feature optimizes your feed based on your relationship with the person and timeliness of the post.

Ah, back toRELATIONSHIPS!  (If you are a marketer, you of course know that everything is based on RELATIONSHIPS!).

Instagram is showing you more of what you want, based on your actions, at the top.
The content won’t be in chronological order, but after scrolling through possibly 8 pieces of content, the stream goes back to normal.  Simple as that.  Nothing is disappearing or being taken away.

The updates are for the overall good of the user, and user experience. 
It’s getting better and better.

Instagram Changes – The Negatives:
Opportunists, according to Social Media expert Gary Vaynerchuck, are trying to get their followers to adjust with notifications, and worried about Instagram “taking away content” like Facebook’s news feed, or Instagram will “ruin itself.”  

If your content isn’t valuable to the user, then that can be a problem for you.  It all hinges on the supply and demand ofattention.  Have you not been providing valuable content or information? That is a negative… it may be a time to reflect and improve your business work ethics, practices, intentions, and motives. 
Marketing is work.  Are you a solid oak tree planting your business for the long term and greater good, or are you in a business to get a quick ‘buck’ and be a fly-by-night, ‘get rich quick’ kind of person?  Bye-bye if so…   (By the way, it goes as quickly as it came)
If there’s too much noise, people stop paying attention.  (Now that’s a negative!)
So what happens to brands that have heavily invested in creating wonderful content on Instagram? While larger brands have the marketing budget to pay for what was once free media, blogshops and other small businesses may not be so lucky.
Consider this your wake up call, because if your business relies heavily on Instagram as a channel, customer acquisition is about to come with a hefty price tag instead of a perfectly edited photo, according to >>TechCrunch. >> 
“If you think this is a negative, turn it into a positive.  Quit complaining about the situation, adjust to the reality of the updates and use it as an opportunity to be a first-mover and get ahead of the game.” ~ Gary Vee

Instagram Changesbe Happy, it’s a good thing!
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Research has shown that as you share this Instagram Updates – Instagram Changes blog post, the universe will start to bring amazing things to your life. 

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  Business focused and life-mission solutions for You.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Gary Vaynerchuk Said What? #AskGaryVee

GaryVaynerchuk (also known as GaryVee), Entrepreneur, Social Media Expert, Best Selling Author,Public Speaker, Internet Personality, and Wine Library Guru is coming out with his latest Entrepreneurial Book, #ASKGARYVEE on March 8, 2016.

What is the #ASKGARYVEE Book?

The #AskGaryVee Book is a “Modern Day Blueprint” compilation of Vaynerchuk’s ‘take’ on Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness (not to mention among other hot topics: marketing, attention content, company culture, start-ups, legacy, family business, storytelling, jabbing, hustling, and MORE!).

His book answers questions from The #ASKGARYVEE Show on YouTube,
but with new updates.

To celebrate the upcoming publication, a buzz is beginning!  Here is what is coming down the celebration pipes:

#ASKGARYVEE Livestream:

Today Gary will be having an eight hour Livestream on Meercat, Facebook Live, and Periscope…

  •  He will be answering questions live…

  • There will be special guests on his livestreams… it gets even better…

  • Gary V has a contest that when you buy 8 of his #ASKGARYVEE books, your name is put into a drawing.  Send the receipt by an email they will be providing, and at the end of the 8 hour livestream shows, Gary V will draw a name…

  • For every 8 books you buy you are entered once more in the contest.  (Example:  Buy 40 books, and you are entered into the contest 5 times to increase your odds to meet Gary Vaynerchuk)

  • The winner will be flown to New York and spend an exclusive ONE HOUR interview with him personally (maybe 88 minutes… he’s really into the 8’s right now… March 8th,8 books, 8 hour livestream, 88 minutes with him???!  Going for the 8’s).

So how cool would it be to pitch your ideas with him in your interview?

#ASKGARYVEE Winner Ideas:
  •        Ideas to ask in your interview:
  •        Pitch your ideas with him regarding your business
  •        Ask about restructuring your business
  •        Get a marketing plan
  •        Be on a podcast with GaryVee
  •       Or how about doing an exclusive You Tube interview?
  •        Vaynerchuk grew his business from $3 million to $50 million a year by        2005.  Do you think he just might be able to help you???!

12 Best Ideas to Give Away your #ASKGARYVEE Books:
  1.  Give the other 7 (or more) books to your employees, if you are a B2B
  2. .Buy for every member of your team if you are an Internet Marketer, or MLM Affiliate
  3. Buy for your future new team members
  4. Give as gifts other Entrepreneurs
  5. Give as gifts to your personal friends and family if they really don’t get the idea of you becoming an Entrepreneur (have any of you experienced that particular challenge?)
  6.  Give as gifts to your business bestee friends
  7. Give as gifts to your personal Mastermind Group
  8. Hold your own personal event for your business, and gift as promo reading for Entrepreneurs as a prize
  9.  Give as a Gift at a Networking Event
  10. Christmas Gift (ah, shopping done early!!!)
  11. Birthday Gift
  12. Give as a Gift at a Business Ladies’ Luncheon (how many of you have played “Secret Santa” at the Christmas Luncheon?!)

Be sure to keep one Gary Vaynerchuk's book for YOURSELF

P.S. - If you don’t feel comfortable setting up your social sites, or have only a portion of your social sites set up, or need assistance with the whole “internet marketing thing,” contact your Social Media Fired Up! Team.

We know how to painlessly, simply, and seamlessly establish your internet marketing so you will dominate your local realty market.

SocialMedia Fired Up! provides a Free Consultation to review your social media marketing and/or blogging needs.  Let us help you save time and money from the Internet Marketing learning-curve and get you set up immediately!

Set Up a Free Consultation Today by Calling:
 (702) 358-0229 ~ Office

  Business focused and life-mission solutions for You.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Twitter Update – Twitter Trends

Twitter Update – Twitter Trends
Twitter Update on Twitter Trends!  The Twitter 140-character limit is about to change to as much as 10,000 characters in a single tweet!
Reports say CEO Jack Dorsey has been researching methods to jumpstart user growth.  The design would still appear the same way as it is now which shows the first 140 characters, but there will be an indicator that there's more content for users to click on if a tweeter wants more information. 
What could that mean in practical terms?
It might turn a tweet into more of a blogging space, which could be very powerful as blogging is skyrocketing.  It also could keep users more on twitter, as they review content. 
Many of twitter’s die-hard users are not supportive of such a drastic change.

Dorsey, however, wants to grow the company’s stagnant user total, and that means new innovations which would make it more user-friendly and create more meaningful tweets and conversations among users.
Also, Twitter has faced criticism from first-time users on its difficulty to tweet, so this might reach a more main-stream audience, and possibly blow up Twitter into a powerhouse with new growth!
This could be one of the biggest changes ever… but wait there’s more…
The company also has been testing the effects of reverse chronological order tweets which means whoever tweeted first is inevitably last on your timeline.  
Twitter wants to reward its best content; algorithms could determine which tweets merit a break in a possible new timeline. 
Twitter’s goals is to become the first thing people check each morning when they start their day!

Personally, we at Social Media FiredUp think the 140-content to 10,000 change as an added user-friendly innovation, and feel it is a powerful, innovative and positive strategy!
What are your thoughts of these new Twitter Trends?
Got value from this post? Then we would LOVE for you to comment below and share on FaceBook…and on Twitter!
Research has shown that as you share this “Twitter Update –Twitter Trends” blog post, the universe will start to bring amazing things to your life. 

Social Media Fired Up! Team

Set Up a Free Consultation Today by Calling:
Dial:   702-358-0229 (Office)

P.S. - Take Action …
If you don’t feel comfortable setting up your social sites, or have only a portion of your social sites set up, or need assistance with the whole “internet marketing thing,” contact your SocialMedia Fired Up! Team.

We know how to painlessly, simply, and seamlessly establish your internet marketing so you will dominate your local realty market.

SocialMedia Fired Up! provides a Free Consultation to review your social media marketing and/or blogging needs.  Let us help you save time from the Internet Marketing learning-curve and get you set up immediately!

  Business focused and life-mission solutions for You.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Personal Development - & - Your Business

Personal Development is very important to business owners because they know that their personal business success, financial growth and financial wealth is directly correlated and in direct proportion to their personal mindset.

If you are a business owner who wants to make more personal and financial gain, you know your “Thoughts”are critical to your success.

Napoleon Hill wrote the classic and favorite among many business owners, “Think and Grow Rich” for personal growth and wealth.  He attributes being rich as a by-product of thinking, and your thought patterns. 

You first have to conceive your thought, believe, and rehearse it in the mind.

Another modern day researcher of the mind is Dr. Joe Dispenza,D.C, who has  been exploring and the latest scientific theories of neuroplasticity. He explains how thinking in new ways, as well as changing beliefs, can literally rewire one’s brain. In other words, when we truly change our minds, there is physical evidence of change in the brain. 

Discover how potent your thoughts can be.  For example have you ever had a ‘momentary insecure thought,’ and then all of a sudden, you feel insecure!  What just happened?
1.     The feelings comes after the thought.
2.      Then the chemicals come after that. 
3.      And more thoughts come after that.

You began to think the way you were feeling.  A ‘loop’ of repetitive thoughts happen and suddenly your feelings become you way of thinking.

You are thinking as a body, based on a feeling.  This becomes a state of being.
People ‘feel’ bad, and perceive the day as “bad” according to the feelings of their body. The body is controlling the mind.

In your daily personal development you want to develop and be aware of purposefully using your MIND to control you, not the body or your feeling!

So how does a person change their trajectory of thought patterns?  Here is a simple start:

First, become aware of your thought patterns. 

Second, ask QUESTIONS!

Say for example you want to change your personality or outlook from being unhappy to being a happier person.  Number one, you noticed and are aware of your unhappy thought patterns.  Number two, ask yourself questions to harness your mind and life. Here’s the questions to ask yourself:

·         What do I have to do to be or become happy? (or whatever it is you want to become)
·         Who do I know in my life that is happy?
·         What would I have to change about myself to live in joy?
·         Who do I admire that is great?
·         At what point did I lose it?

What happens when you ask questions? The frontal lobe thinks, the brain puts the brakes on, and your mind reassembles the information.  This pattern interrupt will now change everything.

The brain reorganizes itself in a new way when you ponder, contemplate, question, and actively think.  You can change the circuits in your brainjust by thinking about it.

So if you become totally immersed and involved with what you are doing and lose TRACK OF TIME, that is when the exact moment happens that you REWIRE THE BRAIN AND STEP INTO QUANTUM PHYSICS.  When you lose track of time, and 4 hours feels like 5 minutes,” says Dr. Joe Dispenza. 

Our thoughts NOW, and of now, are creating.

We have to develop the skill: of observation and awareness.

Your observation matters; say to yourself, “I am not going to compromise of my belief, or what I see for myself; I am accepting my vision and purpose more than anything else.

The question is, “Who are we going to rehearse ourselves to be every morning?”  Will you begin the personal development journey with more awareness?  

Rehearse, activate, and become!

If you enjoyed this post on “Personal Development” please share, like, and tweet.

Set Up a Free Consultation ~~ Call us Today!!
(702) 358-0229 ~ Office

Friday, December 4, 2015

The Beacon Center

The Beacon Center

The Beacon Center had their Grand Opening Mixer last night, and it was a hit! Amazing people, amazing networking and amazing food all came under one roof – The Beacon Center!

The Grand Opening was spearheaded by Becky Stonebarger to kick off The Beacon Center’s services to the Las Vegas Community. 

Below find the fun, food, laughter and Ribbon Cutting Event at The Beacon Center:

The Business Connections Network, (BCN), business professionals, and networking groups love the versatility of The Beacon Center, and so will you!

Click here to find out more about The Beacon Center:

Follow Becky Stonebarger on Facebook –

Social Media Fired Up is a member of the Business Connections Network, and endorses the BCN and The Beacon Center to meet your professional needs.

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Research has shown that as you share this Social Media Fired Up blog post, the universe will start to bring amazing things to your life. 
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