Instagram Updates – Instagram
Instagram Updates and
Instagram changes has caused those who love Instagram Marketing to go in a ‘tizzy.’
Anytime there is
change, people are triggered by fear of what they will lose, forgetting that
there can be positive outcomes from change as well.
Will the Instagramchanges have a negative or positive outcome?
Let’s take a look at
the positive changes from the Instagram updates:
Instagram Changes – The Positives:
Instagram knows you
follow too many people and don’t care about most of the things they share.
People miss on
average 70% of their feeds.
If you follow 300
people (and there’s so many that follow 1,000’s), and you check the app twice a
day (do you really check twice a day, or is once about it?), what really do you
The new
“Notification” feature optimizes your feed based on your relationship with the
person and timeliness of the post.
Ah, back toRELATIONSHIPS! (If you are a marketer,
you of course know that everything is based on RELATIONSHIPS!).
Instagram is showing
you more of what you want, based on your actions, at the top.
The content won’t be
in chronological order, but after scrolling through possibly 8 pieces of
content, the stream goes back to normal.
Simple as that. Nothing is
disappearing or being taken away.
The updates are for
the overall good of the user, and user experience.
It’s getting better
and better.
Instagram Changes – The Negatives:
Opportunists, according
to Social Media expert Gary Vaynerchuck, are trying to get their followers to
adjust with notifications, and worried about Instagram “taking away content”
like Facebook’s news feed, or Instagram will “ruin itself.”
If your content isn’t valuable
to the user, then that can be a problem for you. It all hinges on the supply and demand ofattention. Have you not been providing
valuable content or information? That is a negative… it may be a time to
reflect and improve your business work ethics, practices, intentions, and
Marketing is work. Are you a solid oak tree planting your
business for the long term and greater good, or are you in a business to get a
quick ‘buck’ and be a fly-by-night, ‘get rich quick’ kind of person? Bye-bye if so… (By the way, it goes as quickly as it came)
If there’s too much
noise, people stop paying attention.
(Now that’s a negative!)
So what happens to brands that have heavily invested in creating
wonderful content on Instagram? While larger brands have the marketing budget
to pay for what was once free media, blogshops and other small businesses may
not be so lucky.
Consider this your wake up call, because if your business relies
heavily on Instagram as a channel, customer acquisition is about to come with a
hefty price tag instead of a perfectly edited photo, according to >>TechCrunch. >>
you think this is a negative, turn it into a positive. Quit complaining about the situation, adjust
to the reality of the updates and use it as an opportunity to be a first-mover
and get ahead of the game.” ~ Gary Vee
Instagram Changes … be Happy, it’s a good thing!
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